29 Sentences That Will Teach You More About Women Than A 10 Year Experience

Vishal Show
4 min readFeb 28, 2024

1. Women are blessed with a basic threat perception regarding their body. So whatever happens is never a mistake or coincidence. It’s her choice.

2. Not just leaving, but she can even k!ll anyone and anything just for the man she desires. That’s her basic instinct.

3. Past matters even in the eyes of women. So when she says the past doesn’t matter she is fooling you because she cannot get over her past.

4. Women’s sole dream is to secure her dream man. Everything else is a substitute to that.

5. Sooner or later you’ll no longer remain her best choice so it’s the intelligence or high value in women that will make her stay loyal.

6. Women as creatures are obsessed and not disciplined. When she is into you, know that she is only into you.

7. When she is truly in love. You don’t need to prove yourself because all she can smell, see, imagine, think, and look, is only you.

8. When she is truly in love. You don’t need to prove yourself because all she can smell, see, imagine, think, and look, at is only you.

9. Women are not money-driven but status-driven. They don’t love your money they love your influence.

